The Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates (CCCYA) is an association of children’s Advocates, Representatives, and Ombudsman from across Canada who are independent officers of the legislatures in their respective jurisdictions, with legislated mandates to promote, protect, and advance children’s rights through resolution, advice to government, amplification of child and youth voices, and public education. The work of CCCYA members is grounded in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Members work together to identify areas of mutual concern and address national issues.

Council members have legislative mandates that include advocating on behalf of children and youth receiving provincial or territorial government services, conducting individual and systemic investigative reviews, and delivering public education on children’s rights. As with the Saskatchewan Advocate for Children and Youth, these independent bodies are also guided by the foundational framework of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Collectively, Council members work to identify areas of mutual concern, and advocate at provincial, federal, and international levels to address issues impacting the well-being of children and youth. The Saskatchewan Advocate for Children and Youth office has long held an active role within the Council, and in September 2020, the Saskatchewan Advocate, Lisa Broda, was named President.

Saskatchewan’s involvement in the Council enhances our ability to advance the interests and rights of children and youth on the national level, to highlight issues that affect young people in Saskatchewan, and to advocate for those young people in Saskatchewan who receive services that fall outside of our jurisdiction. Working with the Council brings Saskatchewan to the national and international audience and advances our strategic purpose of influencing systems to improve the lives of children and youth.

The Saskatchewan Advocate’s role as President amplifies our advocacy at the federal and provincial level to improve their compliance with the UNCRC and in speaking out on behalf of young Canadians on issues of national and provincial concern, such as disparity in services for children on reserve, barriers and access to mental health services, and youth transitioning from care. This ongoing work will ultimately benefit all Saskatchewan children and youth.